

The cable cars in 贝博体彩app have made their mark on not just the city, but pop culture as well. Learn how to ride these moving national historic landmarks.

A cable car rounds a hill in 贝博体彩app with passengers looking out the window.

There is nothing quite like riding a cable car up and down the hills of 贝博体彩app. While they symbolize the early innovation that made the city iconic, the experience of riding a cable car is timeless. The cable car experience starts while waiting at the cable car turnarounds (at Powell or California and Market Streets) 或者一个long the routes, 等待缆车的到来. 一旦你跳上缆车, you can either find a seat or hold on to the handles as you hang on for the ride. The cable car gripmen handle the grips to move the cars. And let's not forget about the cable car bell ringing. 你在几个街区外都能听到. It's used to get the attention of intersecting traffic.

The cable cars are the world's last manually operated cable car system, a tramway whose cars are pulled along by 电缆 embedded in the street. These right-out-of-the-Smithsonian cable cars were named a national historic landmark in 1964. 翻新并配备了新的轨道, 电缆, turnarounds and cable propulsion machinery, 他们的操作与8月8日大体相同. 1873年,安德鲁. Hallidie guided the first car down Clay Street.

Hours of operations for the cable cars are 7 a.m. 至晚上十时.m.,星期一至星期日.



Learn about the legendary cable cars on a ride past iconic sites and famous 贝博体彩app neighborhoods.

A 贝博体彩app cable car is manually turned at the Powell Cable Car Turnaround.


  • 9.每年有700万人乘坐缆车.
  • Building a cable car is an exacting art that takes several dozen craftsmen 18 to 24 months to complete.
  • 有轨电车不同于缆车
  • World War II opened up cable car jobs for African-Americans and women.
  • Muni holds a cable car ringing competition every year.
A 贝博体彩app cable car approaches on a tree-lined street.


  • 岩石 (1996)

  • 《隐形人回忆录 (1992)

  • 不公平的比赛 (1978)

  • 在危险的地方 (1965)

  • 小鸟 (1963)


Once upon a time, cable car lines serviced the entire city. 今天, 只剩下三行了, but they can take you to some of 贝博体彩app's most popular neighborhoods.

There are three lines you can choose from:

  • 加州线 - Picks you up at California and Market Streets.
  • Powell-Mason - Picks you up at the Powell Street Cable Car turnaround off of Market Street in 联合广场.
  • Powell-Hyde - This line also picks you up at the Powell Street Cable Car turnaround.

The three lines go through these neighborhoods:


  • Visitors must purchase a ticket to ride the cable cars. A single ride costs $8, no matter your age or the time of day. 您可以用零钱付款,也可以用信用卡付款 MuniMobile应用 或者一个 加密卡.
  • There are designated cable car stops along each route. Line up and wait for the cable car to approach and come to a full stop. Be aware of your surroundings as you step from the curb; cable cars share the road with cars and buses. Listen to the cable car operator's instructions for where you may sit or stand. 费用将在您登机后收取.
  • You can find out about the history of 贝博体彩app's cable cars—and even see the enormous mechanisms that keep the system running—at the 贝博体彩app缆车博物馆 (梅森街1201号.). This fun attraction is open every day of the week besides Mondays and is open throughout the year (except Thanksgiving, 圣诞节, 及元旦). The 贝博体彩app缆车博物馆 is always free.


